Early harvest - green, fresh and strong olive oil

Do you love a strong aroma? Would you also like to get hold of every last bit of healthy ingredients? Then our olive oil made from green olives is the right one.

Olive Oil Casas de Hualdo - Reserva de Familia 500ml - Olive oil - Casas de Hualdo
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Casas de Hualdo Reserva de Familia olive oil is an exquisite, hand-picked olive oil from the Spanish region of Castilla-La Mancha. It impresses with its fruity taste and is perfect for salads, grilled vegetables and more. A moment of pleasure that enchants the senses.

Olive oil from the early harvest, fresh and spicy

Close your eyes and take a deep breath! Because it's finally here, the first olive oil from the November harvest! The olive oil made from green olives inspires even those new to olive oil with its wonderfully fresh scent. But even olive oil connoisseurs with their fine sense of smell can recognize the olive oil from the early harvest not only by its olive-bitter taste, but also by its tart bouquet.

Because you can literally sniff out the fresh green of the not yet ripe olives. Depending on the type of olive, the location of the olive grove and the climate in which the fruit ripened, you can also perceive other aromas. Olive oil from the November harvest often scores with the scent of freshly cut grass, green herbs and crunchy, fresh fruit such as apples, tomatoes or artichokes.

Even healthier: olive oil from green olives

Numerous scientific studies have already proven that high-quality extra virgin olive oil is good for our health. Many nutrition experts therefore recommend not sticking to the good German cuisine, but preferring the healthy Mediterranean cuisine or Mediterranean diet with its high consumption of olive oil. Because a first-class, extra virgin olive oil contains many healthy active ingredients.

These include the polyphenols, which are responsible for the fresh scent and the typical, slightly bitter taste of a premium oil. How many polyphenols are contained in high-quality olive oil depends on the one hand on the olive variety and on the other hand on the ripeness of the processed fruit. Because while the olive is still hanging on the tree, the healthy polyphenols are slowly being broken down. This means that the earlier, the immature and the greener the fruit is picked from the tree, the higher its polyphenol content.

Because the olives are not yet ripe when they are harvested early, the olive oil from the November harvest is a bit healthier than the oil from fruit that is picked later. Finally, the olive oil from green olives contains a little more polyphenols than the oil from black or purple fruits. If you not only want a freshness booster for the salad, but also want to treat yourself to an extra portion of healthy ingredients, you should reach for the aromatic, flavorful olive oil from the November harvest.

Simply delicious, olive oil from the first day of harvest

If you can even get hold of an olive oil from the first day of harvest with our first-class oils from the early harvest, you have caught a very special treat. On the one hand, the olive oil is naturally produced from the first day of harvest from the fruits that were picked first and therefore have the shortest ripening time and the most polyphenols. In addition, because only a limited number of olives can be harvested in one day, these editions are limited.

In our "Olive oil from green olives" section you will find bottles of olive oil from the first day of harvest. You have not only spotted a wonderfully fresh and aromatic flavor enhancer for your own kitchen, you have also discovered a very special gift for your loved ones. After all, there is nothing nicer than making a loved one happy with an exquisite taste experience and at the same time contributing to their well-being.

The limited edition and usually a particularly attractively designed bottle or even a pretty box also add to the value of your gift. An olive oil connoisseur will surely be delighted with a bottle of olive oil from the November harvest. But even the layman will appreciate the high-quality and unique olive oil from the first day of harvest.

Warum wir Olivenöl aus der Novemberernte so lieben

Selbstverständlich geht es uns, wenn die Olivenernte naht, nicht anders als Ihnen. Wir sind gespannt und neugierig, wie wohl diesmal das Olivenöl aus grünen Oliven ausfallen mag. Denn schließlich ist das Olivenöl vom ersten Erntetag aus der Frühernte ja auch das erste Öl, das bei uns ankommt. Und jedes Jahr aufs Neue lassen wir uns von der herrlichen Frische dieses Olivenöls faszinieren. Schon beim Öffnen der Flasche erreicht uns der herbe, grüne Olivenduft und erinnert uns an die warmen Sommertage.

Nach einer ausgiebigen Probe-Tapa, bei der wir das unvergleichliche Olivenöl aus der Novemberernte mit viel frischem Weißbrot auftunken, verwenden wir es besonders gerne roh. Denn das geschmacksintensive Olivenöl aus grünen Oliven eignet sich hervorragend, um den Salat zu veredeln, das fertig gegrillte Gemüse würzig abzurunden oder um der Käseplatte eine zusätzliche Geschmacksnuance zu verleihen. Aber selbstverständlich lassen sich viele weitere Gerichte mit dem gesunden und aromatischen Öl aus der Frühernte würzig bereichern. Ihrer Fantasie und Ihrem guten Geschmack sind dabei keine Grenzen gesetzt. Beschenken Sie sich selbst, mit dem einzigartigen, frischen Olivenöl aus der Novemberernte!

Por qué amamos el aceite de oliva de la cosecha de noviembre

Por supuesto, cuando se acerca la cosecha de aceitunas, no somos diferentes a usted. Estamos emocionados y curiosos por ver cómo resultará esta vez el aceite de oliva elaborado con aceitunas verdes. Al fin y al cabo, el aceite de oliva del primer día de cosecha de la cosecha temprana es también el primer aceite que nos llega. Y cada año nos dejamos fascinar por la maravillosa frescura de este aceite de oliva. Tan pronto como se abre la botella, el olor agrio y verde de las aceitunas nos llega y nos recuerda los cálidos días de verano.

Tras una extensa degustación de tapa, durante la cual mojamos el incomparable aceite de oliva de la cosecha de noviembre con mucho pan blanco fresco, nos gusta especialmente utilizarlo crudo. Porque el aceite de oliva de intenso sabor elaborado con aceitunas verdes es ideal para refinar la ensalada, redondear las verduras a la parrilla o añadir un matiz de sabor adicional a la tabla de quesos. Pero, por supuesto, muchos otros platos se pueden enriquecer con el aceite saludable y aromático de la cosecha temprana. No hay límites para tu imaginación y tu buen gusto. ¡Date un capricho con el exclusivo aceite de oliva fresco de la cosecha de noviembre!

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